Lawyer Ilonka Kovacheva

Tax Lawyer
Legal protection
Legal Consultations
Legal representation



Companies - Legal consultations, preparation of legal analysis, draft contracts, taking part in negotiations and any services related to Corporate Law

Lawyer Ilonka Kovacheva with her many years of experience and versatile legal practice, protects the interests of her clients by providing the following services, connected to the legal servicing of the companies:

Disputes, casus and legal consultations on the Law for protection of competition

Disputes, casus and legal consultations on the Consumer Protection Law

Assistance and representation in proceedings in front of the Commission for protection of competition

Appealing legally the administrative acts of the Commission for protection of competition

Unfair Competition

Disputes in connection to monopolistic position of enterprises

Appealing of proceedings and other legal actions according to the Law for public commissions

Disputes, casus and legal consultations according to the Law for public commissions

Legal consultations in connection to the concentration of enterprises

Oral consultations and written statements in connection the Law for protection of competition,

Consumer Protection Law, Law for public commissions

Legal protection in connection to proceedings for protection against the unfair competition before the Commission for protection of competition

Learn more about the services provided by Lawyer Ilonka Kovacheva: :

Tel.: +359(0)887 989 790

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