Lawyer Ilonka Kovacheva

Tax Lawyer
Legal protection
Legal Consultations
Legal representation


Written statements

You can get a written opinion to serve you to the relevant institutions in any legal case you are interested and within the competence of Lawyer Ilonka Kovacheva.

Lawyer Ilonka Kovacheva places verbal consultations on a problem and she can also provide them in the form of written statements. You can get a written statement to serve you to the relevant institutions in any legal case you are interested and within the competence of Lawyer Ilonka Kovacheva.

Contact us to learn more!

Lawyer Ilonka Kovacheva provides legal advice and assistance in connection to the receipt of written submissions by third parties that are necessary in connection with the carrying out your business activity and tax planning.

For example, each liable party is entitled to receive from the National Revenue Agency updated information explaining various aspects of tax and social security legislation and procedures thereunder. In this connection, a written request is submitted to the NRA, whose response is related to the tax legislation.

Lawyer Ilonka Kovacheva will help you customise this request properly and will also determine your other key business tax cases in which the application is required to receive a written statement. This is in the context of ambiguity and dual interpretation of the law, which does not guarantee unambiguous determination of tax liabilities. In this regard, you need to refer to a written statement of the National Revenue Agency, which will protect you from fines and tax disputes.

The deadline to respond or comment is 30 days from the date of receipt of the written request in the relevant organisation. Written requests, consistent with the provisions of Art. 85 TIPC are considered and accepted.

Contact us to send your inquiry to Lawyer Ilonka Kovacheva.

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Tel.: +359(0)887 989 790

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